Senin, 10 Januari 2022

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BRIGHT, WIN, DEW, NANI - Shooting Star Ost.F4 Thailand : หัวใจรักสี่ดวงดาว BOYS OVER FLOWERS [EASY LYRICS + ENG TRANS]


BRIGHT, WIN, DEW, NANI - Shooting Star
Easy Romanization Lyrics

Nai kheun thi fa mi daw ruang lon
On the night that stars fall down

Nai kheun thi fon daw tok thua fa
On the night meteors rain down

Kheun thi phu khon fao du
On the night people watch

Yang cheua man lae satha
With strong faith they have got

Pheua tem raeng jai nai wela thi tong gan
For positive energy they may need

Bon thang thi fan nan tong fon fa
Follow your dream come obstacles

Thi tong khwai khwa nai sing thi wang
You'll go through quite a lot of struggle

ถ้าเธอเชื่อจนหมดใจ เธอจะได้รับสิ่งนั้น 
Tha the cheua jon mot jai, the ja dai rap sing nan
If you believe with all heart, what you wish won't be far

Lae pathihan thi chan fan go kheu the
And the miracle I dream of is you

Cause you are my shooting star

Song saeng ngam long ma hai chan
Shinning brightly down on me

เธอคือคนพิเศษ เธอเป็นคนสำคัญ
The kheu khon phi set, the pen khon samkhan
You are so special, your are essential

ที่เดินตามความฝัน และทำมันด้วยหัวใจ
Thi deun tam khwam fan, laew tham man duay hua jai
Who follow your dream and you make it come true

The nan pen meuan daw nam thang
You are my guiding star

Hai lok chan suang geun khrai
You brighten my whole world 

เธอส่องนำหัวใจ เปลี่ยนโลกทั้งใบ
The song nam hua jai, plian lok thang bai
Your light leads the way, better my day

Hai jam ao wai daw nai jai chan kheu the
Please hear me say you're the star in my heart

Oh my shooting star

The plian chiwit thi khey meut mon
You've changed a life that was so dull

The kheu hetphon thi khey khon ha
You're the reason above it all

The pen meuan daw beuang bon
You're the star way up high

Thi song saeng long jak fa
Shining bright from the sky

Song nam thang ma nai wela thi diaw day
Guide me when I find myself in the dark

Pen pathihan thi chan ro yu
A miracle I've been waiting for

Hai khon khon ni rian ru lae gaw pai
You make me want to learn and grow

ทุกๆครั้งที่มองฟ้า อธิษฐานและส่งใจ
Thuk thuk khrang thi mong fa, athithan lae song jai
Every time that my eyes, look up high in the sky

Song khwam huang yai loy pai glai hai theung the
I send all my best wishes straight to you

Cause you are my shooting star

Song saeng ngam long ma hai chan
Shinning brightly down on me

เธอคือคนพิเศษ เธอเป็นคนสำคัญ
The kheu khon phi set, the pen khon samkhan
You are so special, your are essential

ที่เดินตามความฝัน และทำมันด้วยหัวใจ
Thi deun tam khwam fan, laew tham man duay hua jai
Who follow your dream and you make it come true

The nan pen meuan daw nam thang
You are my guiding star

Hai lok chan suang geun khrai
You brighten my whole world 

เธอส่องนำหัวใจ เปลี่ยนโลกทั้งใบ
The song nam hua jai, plian lok thang bai
Your light leads the way, better my day

Hai jam ao wai daw nai jai chan kheu the
Please hear me say you're the star in my heart

Oh my shooting star

เมื่อไหร่ที่มืดมน เมื่อไหร่ที่ท้อแท้ในใจ
Meua rai thi meut mon, meua rai thi tho thae nai
When it gets quite dark, when you feel quite weak inside

มองฟ้าหาดาวที่อยู่ไกล ๆ 
Mong fa ha daw thi yu glai glai
Look up and find a star alight

Lae athithan pai hai theung fa
Sent out your wish far to the sky

Khao bok wa kheun thi meut thi sut
They say that on the darkest night

Rao ja hen daw thi phrang phray
We'll see all the stars twinkling

To hai ja glai pai lan mail go ja hen daw thi play fa
Millions of miles away you can see them on the horizon

Lae the kheu saeng wang thi khoy nam thang yu khang kay
You're the bright light by my side that keeps on shining

To hai khang nok ja wun way tae khae mi the go khlay la
You're my comfort when the world outside is a big commotion

Mae saeng man ja sa lua chan go mai klua tae yang dai
They sky can be gloomy but I have no fear

The kheu saeng song meuan fai chay sewang glai
You're the superbright flashlight I keep near

45 องศาเวลาที่ฉันมองฟ้า 
Si sip ha ong sa wela thi chan mong fa
45 degrees when I look up to the sky

Phengen pha ja ru wa the kheu duang daw nai hua jai
Contemplate and I see you illuminate in this heart of mine

The kheu cheua phleng kho teum jai mai mot dap
You're the fuel for my heart that keeps on burning

Khap khon yang chan hai kheluan deun mae rop nak
On a long day you're why I keep on driving

Pat upasak thi reuan keun mai wot dap
You chase away all the problems that keep on nagging

Kheun ja meut jat tae mi the go rot klap
On a dark night because of you I keep on living

You are my shooting star

Song suang tham klang napha
Light up sky from afar

Kheu khwam wang kheu chan tam ha
My one only hope you are

Khoy nam thang chan meuan duang dara
Leading me home like a radar

Cause you are my shooting star

Song saeng ngam long ma hai chan
Shinning brightly down on me

เธอคือคนพิเศษ เธอเป็นคนสำคัญ
The kheu khon phi set, the pen khon samkhan
You are so special, your are essential

ที่เดินตามความฝัน และทำมันด้วยหัวใจ
Thi deun tam khwam fan, laew tham man duay hua jai
Who follow your dream and you make it come true

The nan pen meuan daw nam thang
You are my guiding star

Hai lok chan suang geun khrai
You brighten my whole world 

เธอส่องนำหัวใจ เปลี่ยนโลกทั้งใบ
The song nam hua jai, plian lok thang bai
Your light leads the way, better my day

Hai jam ao wai daw nai jai chan kheu the
Please hear me say you're the star in my heart

Oh my shooting star

⚘ English Translate:
GMMTV Records
 ⚘ Romanization lyrics:


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